In recent weeks I've found that I've lost a lot of the steam I had going in Chicago. (I know people are probably sick of me bitching about Chicago & not being there anymore. But I don't care) When I was there I felt so alive. I felt so ready to tackle the world. Now I just feel like I'm ready to sleep. Maybe it's Florida & the steamy weather. Maybe it's just me being a pussy. In Chicago, it was cold and anyone who knows me knows I LOVE cold weather. I love being cold. It makes me feel alive. Plus, the hustle & bustle of the city made me feel like I was part of was probably all in my head. But when you've only seen places like that on TV--I mean, I've been to cities before, but I've never lived the city. It was Probably just the thrill of a new place. But, sometimes I have to remind myself of other reasons to have a good day. Other reasons to take care of myself. Other reasons that the day is not so bad.
So I thought I'd share with you my reasons...
(In no particular order)

This is my niece Hailey. She reminds me not to take life so seriously.

This is my brother Dalton. A reminder that I am getting old, but that if no one else in the world does, or if I feel like no one does,
someone loves me.

Jacob reminds me to slow down and look at the Fountain.

This is my nephew Evan. Isn't he beautiufl?

My niece Chelsea. Look at those cheeks. How can you not love that?

And finally, my nephew Shane. Because in his eyes, I'll always be "Pella."
Does this mean I'm going to stop bitching about things? No probably not. It just means that I'll think twice sometims and try to slow down and enjoy what's good about it.