
Work Beef-A-Roni

Some days I think I would be better off if I quit my job, got 2 part tim jobs and called it a fucking day. I'd probably work more weekends, have less money & benefits but I can't imagine I could be any less happy on days like this. I would probably have a lot less stress.

today i went into my boss' office (he who is usually pleasant with me) and started asking him questions, which he answered. after a few questions he snapped at me and told me i was interrupting him. uhhhh--hey fuckface, i'm interrupting you because i'm trying to do my job. you never seem to have a problem with interrupting me when i'm busy and i never tell you that i'm too busy to answer your questions.

i'm in a shitty mood today. i didnt have coffee and i really wanted some. i had a decent lunch though. i topped it off with cake batter ice cream from cold stone. yay for coldstone and yay for sonic cheeseburgers.
